Stories & Storytellers
Stories & Storytellers
Ages: 9yrs - 17yrs
Duration: 1hr
Cap: 5 singers
Part coaching, part music survey, part language arts class, Stories & Storytellers takes an applied and comprehensive approach to singer development. Series engages singers with the history and practice of an array of musical genres, composers, lyrics, and poetry, drawing connections between disparate times and places.
The Stories & Storytellers series focuses on brief histories of our select composers; the art of storytelling through song and language; and the singer, poet, and composer as storyteller.
Vocal workshops offer singers an opportunity to hone their craft by participating in and observing live coachings. Focus is tailored to each singer, touching on expression, text, and technique, as singers strengthen their performance and collaborative skills.
Students are asked to learn songs from a supplied list for select masterclasses, and should arrive with their sheet music (3 copies/song), a pencil, water, and comfortable clothes.
Classes are grouped by age and experience.
Student Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in vocal lessons at Wildwood or privately.